New User: Digital + Media at RISD exhibition
Exhibition: Friday March 1st Through Sunday March 3rd
Opening Reception: Friday, March 1st
New User is an exhibition of work from students in the Digital + Media graduate program at the Rhode Island School of Design.
The Digital + Media program emphasizes interdisciplinary, research-driven practices in which conceptual intention determines form and media. The exhibit reflects this methodology in the wide variety of media represented. <Make Your Own Dream Lover>, by Joon June Yoon, is based on the theme of sexual objectification in web environments including MMOs, video games, and male-centric online communities. This immersive multi-channel video installation incorporates narrative/performance videos, portrait photography and web VR. In Haunted Machine, Win Liewpairat explores the formula for a ghost story through machine learning. Weng Wei Hsiang’s New Space-Physical Body, presents a pair of beautiful graphite drawings documenting his “walking experiments.” Wei says he is interested in revealing, “the hidden world between what the eyes see and what the body believes.”