The window show: Light Windows 2021
Light Spring by Betsy Connors
Exhibition Dates: Friday, May 14, 2021 - Friday, May 21, 2021
“Light Spring” (detail) by Betsy Connors
While the physical Boston Cyberarts Gallery interior remains closed due to COVID-19, we are organizing a series of art events and exhibitions to be seen from outside the gallery. "The Window Show" is an ever changing art exhibition in the Boston Cyberarts Gallery windows. Please visit here for special events and updates.
Boston Cyberarts is excited to present Light Spring, a special pop-up exhibition of holograms by Betsy Connors to celebrate the Covid-19 vaccine. Light Spring is a part of LIGHT WINDOWS by the Center for Holographic Arts (New York); an exhibition of light in windows and in public space taking place all around the world during the weekend of May 14th – 16th 2021.
Light Spring is a montage of three-dimensional holograms of nature imagery centered around a turtle representing the vaccine. In many ancient mythologies, the turtle is the creature who carries the world on its back.
Light Spring will remain on display from Friday May 14th - Friday May 21st. Holograms - including Light Spring - are created to be viewed at night, so please visit the gallery in the evening to see this work in the windows.
LIGHT WINDOWS began in 2020, as the pandemic isolated us from each other. Unable to produce gallery exhibitions HoloCenter invited artist to create light art in their windows and public space. These gestures of creativity inspired neighbors and forged connections across a separated world.
One year on, the need for connecting across boarders and through barriers remains critical. Over one weekend artists from around the world are lighting up their windows and public space. The works range from major public art commissions, to urban screen and experiments with light in windows.
Betsy Connors is an artist and educator associated with the cutting edge research and experimentation in light and holography that grew out of MIT’s Spatial Imaging Group. At MIT she lectured at the Media Lab (1990–2006) after graduating with a Master of Science degree in 1986. Connors was also MIT Museum’s first Curator of Holography. She founded her own lab and studio, ACME Holography, in the Boston area where she currently works.
You can learn more about Connors and her work by visiting her website.