The window show: brighter connected
The Strength of Very Small Things by Allison Maria Rodriguez
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - extended through Saturday, January 2, 2021
on display 4pm - 10pm daily
“The Strength of Very Small Things”, video still, Allison Maria Rodriguez, 2020
While the physical Boston Cyberarts Gallery interior remains closed due to COVID-19, we are organizing a series of art events and exhibitions to be seen from outside the gallery. "The Window Show" is an ever changing art exhibition in the Boston Cyberarts Gallery windows. Please visit here for special events and updates.
December 9-18, 2020 (extended to January 2, 2021)
4pm-10pm daily
The Strength of Very Small Things is a multi-media installation exploring the concept of universal interconnection from both a spiritual and scientific perspective – suggesting that science and spirituality can be similar approaches to knowing and understanding the world. The work focuses on the visual perception of light – specifically the Northern Lights – alongside the observation of microscopic organisms, daphnia (or water fleas), that are barely visible to the naked eye. These organisms are routinely studied as an indicator species – revealing the effects and impacts of climate change. Featuring two scientists searching through cold waters and rough arctic wind for daphnia, the installation highlights the intertwined futures of both humans and water fleas. While recognizing humanity’s negative impacts on the natural world, and the crucial crossroads that we currently stand at – the work also offers hope, light and the possibility of reconnecting to the earth through the collective strength of very small things.
Project Description
This public art multi-media installation is being created as a part of Brighter Connected. Brighter Connected is a project commissioned by the Jewish Arts Collaborative which selected 8 artists from diverse backgrounds to create community based art installations in vacant storefronts across the city of Boston on the themes of light, connection and resilience in honor of Hanukkah. The Strength of Very Small Things will be installed at Boston Cyberarts Gallery in Jamaica Plain, MA in December 2020. All 8 projects are designed and executed with social distancing in mind, and can be completely seen and experienced from outside.
All raw footage/photography used in the work was gathered during an Earthwatch Fellowship at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, where the artist personally experienced both profound scientific and spiritual discoveries. She is immensely grateful to both Earthwatch and the CNSC for this incredible opportunity.
Learn more about Allison Maria Rodriguez’s work by visiting her website: Allison Maria Rodriguez
(additional documentation coming soon)